Using Zend_Cache in CodeIgniter (Sample)

Sample Code (may be buggy)

Time line (about this code):

// Using Zend_Cache in CodeIgniter ( Sample )
// Version :
// see:
// see:
class Lib_cache {
  private $_lifetime = 7200; //cache lifetime 2hours
  private $_automatic_serialization = true; //serialize data
  private $_cache_dir_name = 'data/cache/zendcache'; //cache dir (mkdir application/data/cache/zendcache)
  private $_default_tag_name_list = 'SYSTEM_CORE'; //Default Tag name for clean cache
  private $CI;
  private $_cache_use = false;
  private $_cache;
  private $_last_status = NULL;

  public function __construct( $params = array() )
    $this -> CI = &get_instance();
    if ( $this -> CI -> config -> item( 'lib_cache_use' ) ) { # Put $config['lib_cache_use'] = true; on ./application/config.php
      // ini_set('include_path',ini_get('include_path').PATH_SEPARATOR.BASEPATH.'application/my_classes/');//Change to the appropriate path
      require_once( 'Zend/Cache.php' );
      $frontendOptions = ( isset( $params['frontendOptions'] ) )?$params['frontendOptions'] : array( 'lifetime' => $this -> _lifetime, 'automatic_serialization' => $this -> _automatic_serialization );

      $backendOptions = ( isset( $params['backendOptions'] ) )?$params['backendOptions'] : array( 'cache_dir' => APPPATH . '/' . $this -> _cache_dir_name ); //application/data/cache/zendcache
      $this -> _cache = Zend_Cache :: factory( 'Core', 'File', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions );
      $this -> _cache_use = true;
  // Get cache(load cache)
  public function get( $cache_id )
    return $this -> _cache_use ? $this -> _cache -> load( $cache_id ) : false ;
  // Remove cache
  public function remove( $cache_id )
    if ( $this -> _cache_use ) {
      $this -> _last_status = $this -> _cache -> remove( $cache_id ) ;
  // Clean cache
  public function clean( $tag_name_list = NULL )
    if ( $this -> _cache_use ) {
      if ( is_null( $tag_name_list ) ) {
        $tag_name_list = $this -> _default_tag_name_list;
      $tag_arr = explode( ',', $tag_name_list );
      $this -> _last_status = $this -> _cache -> clean( Zend_Cache :: CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_TAG , $tag_arr );
  // Save cache
  public function save( $result, $cache_id , $tag_name_list = NULL )
    if ( $this -> _cache_use ) {
      if ( is_null( $tag_name_list ) ) {
        $tag_name_list = $this -> _default_tag_name_list;
      $tag_arr = explode( ',', $tag_name_list );
      $this -> _last_status = $this -> _cache -> save( $result, $cache_id , $tag_arr );
  // Get last status
  public function get_last_status()
    return $this -> _last_status;
 #Example1 : Caching query result - in Some Class
  protected function load_table( $table_name, $fields = array() )
    $this -> load -> library( 'lib_cache' ); # Loading Lib_cache.php
    $this -> _set_table_name( $table_name ) ;

    if ( empty( $fields ) ) {
      $cache_id = 'base_model__load_table_' . md5( $table_name ); # Setting cache id
      if ( !$result = $this -> lib_cache -> get( $cache_id ) ) { # Getting cache data
        $result = $this -> db -> list_fields( $table_name );
        $this -> lib_cache -> save( $result, $cache_id ); #Saving cache data
      $this -> fields = $result;
    }else {
      $this -> fields = $fields ;

 * End of file Lib_cache.php
 * Location: ./application/libraries/Lib_cache.php
